
Several terms are used in the context of this library and their meaning will be described here:


Creates and manages the list of senders and listeners.

When run over a certain network, the router connects itself to a given carrier in order to transport messages and also comes in two flavors:

  • the server that is responsible with managing with the flow of events for all registered listeners or senders
  • the client that is responsible with communicating with the server for the purpose of registering listeners, senders or events


Represents the endpoint that signals the events.

It is also the endpoint that is optionaly capable of responding to requests.


Represents the endpoint that registers itself for receiving signaled events.


Represents the object that stores the list of registered listeners.

An event is identified by its given name and is attached to a specific sender.

There are many types of events supported by pysig:
  • specific events
  • broadcast events
  • channel events


Represents the object responsible with triggering the events.

The signal carries out the list of events it knows it must fire when invoked.


Represents the object in charge with transporting data over a given communication medium.

pysig comes with a list of built-in carriers, described later on in this documentation.